Saturday, February 12, 2011

Traveling Stash Giveaway

So, are you interested in winning this box of fabrics and patterns?

Here are the rules of this giveaway!!!

You must be willing to continue the travelling stash giveaway. Once you receive the package, you must fill it up again with fabric from your stash and any fabric that you don't want that's included. Then, you will have a giveaway on your blog, continuing the travelling stash.

Hopefully, the travelling stash will make it around the world a few times.
I'm so excited about this.
To enter the giveaway you must leave a comment over at NorthernNorthAmerican Bears  telling Debbie that you are willing to continue the travelling stash giveaway on your blog. Also let her  know your favorite fabric or place to buy fabric.

That will give you one entry.

For  a second chance to win, become a follower of her blog, or if you are already a follower, leave her a comment about it.

For a third chance to win, blog about this giveaway on your blog and leave her comment telling her you did.

Okay, that's it!!!
She will pick a winner using on Sunday night.
Sounds like a whole lot of fun!!!
Love ya


  1. Thanks for swinging by my blog & posting my candy. I see ur from TN, that is almost always my vacay spot; my bf from h.s. lives in Manchester. Where r u in ref. to there? Again thanks for stopping in. Good luck 2 u!


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We all need "love"